Fab, fit, fun, february

Dry January is out and Fab, Fit, Fun February is in. Let me be transparent; I did not partake in Dry January which was the main motivator for my own declaration of Fab, Fit, Fun, February. I’ve always loved nights in as much (or more) as nights out; a balance between the two is what works best for me. However, the past few times I’ve gone out on the weekends have been mediocre at best. I always love the getting ready part but lately, when we actually arrive at the agreed-upon destination, it’s underwhelming, and all I can think about is my bed and Gilmore Girls. I’m tired of feeling like I’ve wasted a good night's sleep and put liquid poison in my body for no good reason. 

Enter Fab, Fit, Fun February. Winter is the time for hibernation and while humans may not need to hibernate for the entirety of winter, we do require more sleep in the colder months according to new research (theguardian.com). I thought, why force myself to go out each weekend when my body requires just the opposite?! I know the Springtime will be much busier and the warmer weather will have everyone itching to go out so why not rest up until then? That makes February the perfect time to reset and recharge before the chaos resumes.

Fab, Fit, Fun February means only going out on the weekends if the proposed plans actually excite me, and even then, having 1-2 drinks or none at all if that’s what I’m feeling. It means consistently going to the gym and trying the workout classes offered by my gym as well. It means more dinner parties with friends where we make home-cooked meals and have long talks about anything and everything. It means daily walks listening to my favorite podcasts and reading my book each night before bed. Fab, Fit, Fun, February is my time to not feel guilty about saying no to going out and spending my time on more wholesome activities that better my health. We’re almost trained to think that we’re supposed to go out all the time in our twenties and if we don’t, we’re missing out. But are we really missing out if we’re physically at the bars with our friends but mentally cozied up in bed? My want to go out ebs and flows and this is simply my effort to be more perceptive to what I currently crave. And that is the wholesome and health-filled things that Fab, Fit, Fun February has to offer.

I challenge you to be completely selfish this February. Do what you truly want even if it goes against the grain. If what you want for February is to go out every night, then no one is stopping you! This month is about taking the measures to feel fulfilled and energized for the warmer months ahead.